A blog on Tally Integration, to import and export data from Tally.ERP programmatically using VB6, VB.NET,C#,ASP.NET etc

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Issues in Tally 7.2. while retrieving the PriceLevel

We tested using the following SELECT-SQL with different versions of Tally

Select $$FullList:FullPriceList:$Date,$$FullList:FullPriceList:$PriceLevel from StockItem where $Name='101220'

Tally 7.2 Release 3.12
The SELECT-query returned the DATE but NOT the PriceLevel.

Tally ERP 9 Release 1.61
The SELECT-query returned the both the DATE and the PriceLevel.

It appears that this is an issue with Tally 7.2 Release 3.12.

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